Amidst busy work schedules…….GP Staff organized the annual friendly cricket match with Toll Global Staff, one of the freight forwarder of GP……….
Eleven a side cricket match (10 overs per side) was played on 24th may 2015, at Textured Jersey Grounds Avissawella.
For the first time, six a side ladies match too was held.
Three matches were played. First match won easily by Toll man’s team. Second match held between the women’s team and hardly won by the Toll. Third match was a close game but Toll men’s team was definitely better on that day.
Toll won the Man of the series and Best batsman leaving only the Best bowler to GP….It was a memorable day with fun, excitement and yummy food & drinks too…
Keep trying …..GP……………..
Annual Vesak Lantern Competition at GP commemorating, the Vesak Full Moon Poya Day held on 30th April 2015 at GP Premises. 33 Lanterns presented by different sections proved the team effort and also the event success. Judge panel was impressed by the Talents and creativity of GP and appreciated the usage of factory waste which made the artworks cost effective too.
1st place was won by Maintenance Section, 2nd place by Velcro Section and 3rd place by Quality Assurance Section. All the participant sections received a gift from the Company for the contribution made.
Congratulations to our winners…….A Big Thank you for all the participants………
Both competitions were held at company premises on 2015.02.08 with a high participation. Eagerly awaited, events allowed all, including the new joiners, to present their talents and skills. 10 winners were selected for eastern and western traditions dancing, also 08 winners were selected to represent GP debating squad. It will give them the opportunity to represent Gp at various forums.
Congrats …… winners……
A Big Thank you for all the participants…………